About The Project

Block Kube X is the culmination of a vision to democratize access to blockchain data, offering an easy-to-use, customizable, and open-source blockchain explorer for Ethereum.

Born from the need for a simple, yet powerful explorer that anyone can deploy, customize, and extend, Block Kube X leverages the robustness of Next.js, React, and TailwindCSS for a seamless user experience, paired with MongoDB for efficient data management.

  • Easy to deploy. Leverage Next.js and Docker for a straightforward deployment process. Simplify your workflow with push-to-deploy features.
  • Powerfull Style. Customize with Tailwind CSS for rapid UI development. Design your explorer with minimal effort.
  • MongoDB. Utilize MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval. Ensure scalable and reliable database operations.

As part of the larger Block Kube project—an initiative aimed at simplifying blockchain network management on Kubernetes—Block Kube X stands as a testament to our commitment to making blockchain technology more accessible and manageable.

The Block Kube.

Block Kube itself is a pioneering tool that facilitates the setup, configuration, and management of blockchain networks, supporting both private and public environments with a user-friendly CLI.

This project is for anyone looking to delve into the Ethereum blockchain, whether for educational purposes, development, or enterprise use.

Explore Block Kube X on GitHub: Block Kube X Repository or see it in action here: Live Demo.

Join us in our journey to build a simple, easy-to-use, and configurable explorer.

Your contributions can help make Block Kube X even better for everyone in the blockchain community.